My name is May.
I'm not really known by anything else.
Currently, I'm 22-years-old and am attending university as an English major. In my free time, I enjoy playing video games and reading manga. I am incredibly irresponsible with my money and I decided that if I'm bored for a week straight, then I will spontaneously combust. The only music I listen to is anime music, video game soundtracks, and Vocaloid, but if people ask me what I like to listen to when I meet them for the first time, I tell them I enjoy classical music. I'm interested in all sorts of fashion, but I personally wear very feminine pieces with neutral/earth-toned colors. If I'm not immersing myself in some corner of the Internet, then I am either pretending to be normal (out with my friends) or I am pacing around in my kitchen.
I have a decently sized manga collection (currently spanning over 200 volumes). I get drunk off of two bottles of any alcoholic beverage at 3% or more. I want to be famous but get too anxious when a lot of people are paying attention to me. I start projects and scrap them just as quickly. I was labeled a witch in the fourth grade once (this was at a private Catholic school). My friends and I have created a theory that the world acts in accordance to my convenience. I enjoy burning my mouth on hot foods.
My Interests
I say that I really like video games, but the reality is that I only play, like, five of them.
My favorite games are the ones from the Professor Layton series, Nier: Automata, and FFXIV. I also really enjoy a variety of gacha games, such as Honkai: Star Rail and Project Sekai. I've made a hobby of going to my local mall by myself so that I can play the rhythm games at the arcade without having someone over my shoulder all the time.
My favorite manga is Medalist. I have a little portion of my bookshelves dedicated to it. I don't really watch anime as much as I used to anymore, but I still adore titles like Madoka Magica and Perfect Blue all the same.
When it comes to writing, I like writing a variety of things. But if I had to pick, I would have to say that poetry is my least favorite. It's just hard for me to grasp. I recently really got into creative nonfiction, though. I don't really write fanfiction because I have a tendency to write characters absurdly out of character.